Confidentiality Policy

The Therapy Room believes that confidentiality is one of the foundations of the therapeutic relationship. Clients may share / disclose personal information with a Therapy Room Therapist knowing that their personal information will be discussed and recorded in confidence.

The exception to confidentiality is if the Therapist believes that the client or someone else is at risk of harm or that a criminal act has been or might be committed. In this case, the Therapist will follow the appropriate procedure.

Statutory obligations to disclose

The Terrorism Act 2000 makes it a criminal offence for a person to fail to disclose, without reasonable excuse, any information which he either knows or believes might help prevent another person carrying out an act of terrorism or might help in bringing a terrorist to justice in the UK.

A court may order disclosure, or order a Therapist to attend court and to bring notes and records with them. Refusal to answer the questions of the court may constitute contempt of the court. Therapists may be asked to produce a report for court relating to work with a client. Consent should be obtained direct from the client wherever possible and in writing. Clients may ask to see the reports written about them, and in accordance with the legislation on Human Rights, GDPR, Freedom of Information clients should have access to their reports in the same way as records, unless there is a cogent reason in their interest or that of the public not to do so.

 This policy updated 1 Aug 2024